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Resilience. Who needs it?

Looking into the future, I believe that ‘resilience’ will be one of the key traits, a non-negotiable at the interview table.
Resilience is organic – it grows and thrives as long as it is nurtured and invested in. So just how do we develop our own resilience?

‘Things that happen to us – life!’

Resilience is often born out of challenging or tragic events that confront us in life. Watching an interview recently of Bruce and Denise Morcombe and their resolve to protect and sustain their own relationship in the face of such a horrific crime, suggests a level of resilience unchartered for many of us…thankfully! Their work with the Daniel Morcombe foundation is phenomenal and yet again a gauge of their ability to adapt to stress and adversity. There is no doubt that they have that ineffable quality that allows some people to be knocked down by life and come back stronger than ever. Rather than allowing this tragedy overcome them and drain their resolve, they have found a way to rise from this.

‘Things that we create…!’

Most of the research shows that resilience can be nurtured and developed. There are four basic skill-sets common to resiliency:
➢ Independence
➢ Problem-Solving
➢ Optimism
➢ Social Connection

Taking yourself out of your ‘comfort zone’ is a fantastic way to build your own levels of resilience. You might take on some studies, set some physical/health goals or commit to some other lifestyle changes that will test your resolve.

For me, I’ve entered the 2015 Melbourne Ironman…3.8km swim, 180km bike and a 42.2km marathon. This will test me not only physically but more so mentally – where will I find the resolve to keep going when things start to get really tough? The thought of completing the bike leg and then staring down the barrel of a marathon run (the first I’ll have ever done!) scares me enormously and then there is the fear of failure.
I look forward to sharing my experiences with you in future blogs, as I am sure that there will be many parallels with this particular personal goal and business.

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Is Your Cup Half Full?

What’s your outlook on life…are you a positive, dare to be different, a risk-taking individual (of the calculated kind!)?

I like to think I am and these are definitely the sorts of people that I like to surround myself with!

In a work environment, these sorts of people are like ‘pure gold’ and these attributes (amongst others) are what I look for when looking for others to work with and align myself with. 

It’s tough these days not to adopt the ‘half empty’ approach – just read the newspapers or listen to the news…there’s plenty of doom and gloom. And sure, we all need balance and to maintain a sense of realism BUT working hard on maintaining a sense of optimism, believing in yourself, setting yourself challenging goals, investing in your own growth and telling everyone around you that this is just what you are doing….is contagious!!

Go on…I dare you to get just a little bit excited…..by dreaming about what could be!!!

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Thinking of a Career Change……….

We can spend up to 55 years of our lives in full-time work…I’m not even going to calculate this in hours! Suffice to say most of us will hope to be challenged, satisfied and happy with where we are spending this time. For many of us, our early or first career choice may not end up being everything that we hoped for and so we will be considering a change at some point in time.

This is a challenging position to be in and often getting outside support is a wise investment. Here are just a few things to consider if you begin traveling this road:

1. What is it about my current career that isn’t working?
• Is it the nature of the job, or the people I work with?
• Is it due to a lack of opportunity within the organisation?
• Is it management or organisational practices?
Answering these questions will assist in clarifying your reasons for change and assess how much change is required.

2. What aspects of my career do I want to change?
• Achieve work/life balance.
• Earn a higher salary.
• Gain more independence.
• Feel you are making a more tangible contribution to society.
Focusing on the aspects you want to change will help you identify your career options.

3. Am I willing to consider a reduction in salary?

4. Am I prepared to gain further qualifications if need be?

If you are thinking along these lines and don’t know where to start, I’d be more than happy to support and assist you. I can be contacted via my website or simply give me a call on 0412 604 206.

“Nothing changes, if nothing changes!”

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Trust me – it’s not just the ‘warm, fuzzy stuff’

It staggers me to think that business people still refer to health and wellbeing as the ‘warm and fuzzy’ stuff! 

“It’s the first thing to go in these sorts of economic times”, says the corporate business woman sitting next to me at a recent leadership in business function.

High levels of stress, poor dietary choices, inadequate sleep and dehydration are only a few of the ‘warm and fuzzies’ that we must be referring to as not being of importance in these tough economic times.

Seriously! Tough economic times are exactly when we should be looking at investing in educating our greatest resource – our employees, in the choices they make.

Creativity, energy levels and productivity are all massively affected by poor lifestyle choices – these aren’t ‘warm and fuzzies’ they are basic, critical business needs.

Absenteeism, poor cognitive functioning, fatigue, poor decision making…etc…etc…etc… are bi-products of poor life-style choices.

We’ve got an awful long way to go, if we still don’t recognize the value and importance of being fit and healthy and what this means to workplaces in and around the country!!


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Health = Success

People define ‘success’ in many different ways – what car they drive, how big their house is, how much cash is in the bank, how popular they are with others..etc..etc.. 

So often, our health is a victim of our need to achieve success, when it simply doesn’t have to be that way. If we all included ‘good health’ as one of the indicators of success, what a different place the world would be. And it really is simple, just by following the 5 tips below:

1. Sleep 8-9 hours a night
2. Drink 2 litres of water every day
3. Eat a fresh, clean diet – limiting processed foods and refined sugars
4. Find 45 minutes in your day for exercise
5. Keep stress levels at bay

For me success is all of the above, but most importantly it’s not sacrificing my health along the way. The first thing I look for when I meet with someone for the first time are the signs of good health. More about real money http://onlinecasinokiwi.com/real-money/ on onlinecasinokiwi.com! This tells me so much about a person and determines whether or not they will truly ever be ‘successful’.


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