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It staggers me to think that business people still refer to health and wellbeing as the ‘warm and fuzzy’ stuff! 

“It’s the first thing to go in these sorts of economic times”, says the corporate business woman sitting next to me at a recent leadership in business function.

High levels of stress, poor dietary choices, inadequate sleep and dehydration are only a few of the ‘warm and fuzzies’ that we must be referring to as not being of importance in these tough economic times.

Seriously! Tough economic times are exactly when we should be looking at investing in educating our greatest resource – our employees, in the choices they make.

Creativity, energy levels and productivity are all massively affected by poor lifestyle choices – these aren’t ‘warm and fuzzies’ they are basic, critical business needs.

Absenteeism, poor cognitive functioning, fatigue, poor decision making…etc…etc…etc… are bi-products of poor life-style choices.

We’ve got an awful long way to go, if we still don’t recognize the value and importance of being fit and healthy and what this means to workplaces in and around the country!!


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